District Governor Cluster Club Visit
URGENT. URGENT. URGENT! Pls Book for the 11 of Sept!
The numbers from our 4 local Clubs booked in for the District Gov’s combined dinner hosted by Attadale, as of the weekend, was only 12! Can we pls make a real effort and get behind this special DG local function.
Ineke Oliver is a true Rotary leader, and she will inform you that there is a lot going on as Rotary moves forward towards Regionalisation, and works on the rebuild of Rotary WA. As I keep telling my AG group, no Rotary club is an island and we are all in this together.
We have cancelled next weeks meeting in favour of the DG visit.
Confirmed extra financial support for JF23.

The Edge Apartment development in Applecross, and other places, has confirmed that it will be contributing $5,000 towards this years JacFest, and become our entertainment Sponsor. This will allow us to spend some more money on this vital event and community draw card and Murray has been busy seeking out street entertainers to add colour with street theatre. Hopefully we will have them on board for at least the JF24 as well.
New Storage Area for Club Assets.
Thanks to club Sponsor Greg Brindle of The Good Grocer, for allowing us to move all of the JacFest and Perth Makers Market infrastructure to his storage unit across the road from my unit in McCoy St, Myaree. Greg is a very generous supporter of Applecross Rotary, and this has certainly been a long awaited and cost saving outcome for the Club. Thanks to all of our hard working members who have both helped with the facility makeover and move into the new storage.
WE do need to look to the future for our assets, … in total almost $90k’s worth, as Greg can only say that this arrangement should be ok for the next 2 years.. we need to keep working on the City of Melville for a combined storage for ALL Community assets. Rob Willis, of Melville Rotary, is keen to keep the pressure up in this regard. For Applecross Rotary Board to discuss.
Kenn Williams
0428 472619