We got to know DG Pat Schraven from RC Rockingham, when she was DG for District 9465 a few years ago, and she is back in a slightly bigger role now, as DG for the whole of WA, District 9423. Pat plans to meet members from all 80 Rotary Clubs in WA this year, which currently extend from Esperance to Geraldton and out to the Goldfields.
Applecross Rotary hosted her visit on Monday evening with members from two other Rotary Clubs — Canning River and Melville.
Each of the Club Presidents gave a short warm up for the DG by highlighting a project of their Club, although President Steve from Canning River managed to squeeze in several projects.
Canning River is a new Club formed by merging RC Canning (formerly Rossmoyne) and RC Kenwick. Steve highlighted Sustainable Cambodia, funded by a Global Grant with RC Gainesville Florida, and currently 120 Cambodian kids get their teeth attended to by a dentist for the first time in their lives. He then slipped in plugs for Canning River Rotary supporting the Interact Club at Rossmoyne SHS, the Perth Sports Challenge at East Canning Primary School, the $65k grant for Interplast and the forthcoming Walk the Bridges fundraiser.
President Marilyn from Melville, which also runs weekly markets like Canning River does, highlighted their tree planting project which has planted 5000 seedlings since 2008. They have had 6000 students involved in growing the seedlings and planting them in the Wheatbelt and also at Yarloop after the disastrous bushfires in 2016.
Our President Tom highlighted our long running Rotary Jacaranda Festival in November with the help of several other Rotary Clubs, and outlined the planned Eastern Wheatbelt Global Grant to buy the audiology equipment to enable Telethon Speech and Hearing to extend its work reducing childhood deafness, which is endemic in the Wheatbelt. This will have an amazing multiplier effect, helping very young children learn to speak clearly, to learn to read ,and stay at School to become employable members of the community.
So now it was DG Pat’s chance to talk about her plans.
She is committed to increasing the use of Global Grants and District Grants, and to showcase the fun we have being Rotarians. She wants to establish 4 new Rotary Clubs this year, and also wants to re-establsh Rotary Clubs (including possible E-Clubs) in WA’s Northwest, with planned visits to Karratha, Newman and Port Hedland. She also urged our Clubs to increase their support for the Rotary Foundation.
Thanks for visiting, DG Pat!