Posted by Kenn WILLIAMS on Sep 23, 2024
Another week, another PMM and a couple of great meetings.
1.  Perth Makers Market on Sunday was held on a perfect spring day at Heathcote and certainly appeared to attract the crowd.  Busy day for the Parking team with all going well keeping the punters parked up with only the usual minor issue to resolve.  Hopefully the banking will help to restock our coffers with Chris reporting that ‘tap and go’ yielded consistently higher willing donations for our volunteer efforts. Saturday morning set up takes about 2 hours and the pack out and back into storage about the same, never easy work but with at least 6 helping it works well.
Our gazebo at the entrance to the market is well positioned for promoting the groups we support, our activities and giving the public the opportunity to find out more about Rotary in Western Australia. 
City of Melville Mayor, Katy Mair, dropped by for a chat with George
George promoting the upcoming Applecross Rotary Jacaranda Festival
2. I was disappointed to see only a few of us from Applecross Rotary at the DG Pat’s Monday evening joint Club event with Melville and Canning River also attending. I appreciate that DG addresses are not everyone’s ’cup of tea ‘ but we did stay away in numbers!
3. Farewell to Valentin and congratulations to Ian Fairnie.
If you missed Thursday night at the Dome, then you missed one of the clubs BEST NIGHTS EVER!! The outpouring of appreciation and love for Valentin as he makes his way home to Germany today after his year with Applecross Rotary were quite overwhelming.  His college mates, 4 of whom attended along with one of his teachers, spoke so highly of him and his involvement in all facets of school life, and the friendships that had developed along the way.
Valentin’s address covered off on highlights of his stay with us… and there were many of them! He spoke from the heart in thanking Applecross Rotary and all those who had made his visit so special. He reserved a special thank you for Lorri and said that she was his ‘favourite mum’ in Oz, with Lorri responding lovingly.
Ian Fairnie was presented with a special PHF pin for his ongoing financial contributions to the Rotary Foundation, and Applecross Rotary presented an Appreciation Certificate for Ian’s 40 years in Rotary. Ian has been an outstanding contributor towards a better world and we thank him for his ongoing contribution to our Applecross Rotary.