Posted by Kenn WILLIAMS on Jul 15, 2024

Happy Club Changeover

I thought our Changeover event yesterday was a fantastic club gathering, and kudos to the team in charge for making it a success.

I agree with President Tom and Murray that having dual Presidents for the upcoming year should work well and may even serve as a good model for the future if needed


Co Presidents Tom Atkinson & Murray McKay sharing the chain of office

It is bittersweet to see our wonderful Lorri step back into a lesser supporting role. She deserves every kind word spoken about her, and thank you, Mal, for expressing them so well. Lorri was presented with Honorary Life Membership.

I forgot to mention yesterday, but we do plan a special ‘Farewell to Lorri’ Sundowner for early to mid-August, and details will be advised as soon as possible. Lorri has touched so many people during her time with AxR, and we hope as many as possible can be there to help celebrate her selfless contribution to the greater good. (video)

Thank you, Lorri! smiley

It was a real pleasure to welcome back Suresh into our fold. As a former member of AxR, he is very keen to get back into club activities, although his ongoing work commitments away from Perth will make it challenging for him to attend weekly meetings.

Unfortunately, Adele Clements has been dealing with a bad flu for the past week or so and was unable to be present for her induction. This will be rescheduled.

It was great to see Berryl Telfer. She is in great spirits and health but reports that Doug, who now resides in the same retirement village as Bruce James, has his good days and not-so-good days. He's hanging in there, as we all must.


Dr Ian Fairnie, Tony Haeusler, George Mavros, Beryl Telfer, and Liz Palmer

Special thanks to the unheralded Ray for his never-ending commitment to Applecross Rotary. From this Bulli, IT at meetings, including yesterday, to the Annual Reports and many other unseen tasks, Ray's contributions are invaluable. Well done, Ray.


Ray with Dany and Peter McEwen (Ray as usual enjoying the tasty food provided by Incognito Catering)

Also, congratulations to Graeme Fardon for winning the President’s Club Award for 2023/24. Great effort from our newcomer from Quairading. Thank you, Graeme.


Graeme was presented with the Rotarian of the Year by president Tom and RYE Valentin Vorholz