Posted on Mar 16, 2019
Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA)
The Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) is a challenging 7-day program which provides a unique opportunity for leadership skills development. Rotary supports young people between the ages of 18 and 28 who have the talent, energy and motivation to discover their leadership potential!. More information is available.
Applecross Rotary seeks nominations from young adults with proven leadership experience and potential leaders from diverse backgrounds. The seminar program, which is run each January, has a strong focus on personal and leadership development. Nominations close in November. Interested young people are encouraged to contact the Club’s Youth Director.
    The Rotary Club of Applecross has sponsored:
    RYLA 2019
     Kate Dee, with President Ian Fairnie and Youth Director Suresh Prabhakaran was sponsored for the week long RYLA Camp in January 2019.  Kate has been a Waylen Bay Sea Scout for 4 years and is a member of South Perth Rotaract.  She is studying, to be a primary school teacher, at Murdoch University. The skills she learned at RYLA will  enhance her future success as a teacher.
    RYLA 2018


    Adam Luce, a graduate of the John Curtin Leadership Academy. Adam has been a volunteer assistant for

    Applecross Rotary projects.

    Claire Palmer, a Chemist with a degree in Biomedical Science.  Claire volunteers with the PMH Foundation
    and is a swimming instructor. Claire was a Buddy (Carer) at the 2017 Handicamp.


    RYLA 2017
    Cameron Legge from the Waylen Bay Sea Scouts Rovers.
    RYLA 2016
    Richard Pilgram.