Posted by Valentin Vorholz on Jul 29, 2024
Report July - week 4
I can't believe it!
My last term here at Scotch, here in Perth and here in Australia just began. I'm looking forward to an adventurous and exiting two months, where all weekends be filled with new and fantastic experiences.
As of Tuesday, the Term started with an outstanding Rugby match between our first team and the Aranmore Rugby school. It was the third encounter this Winter, which is a great benefit for the boys as they are undefeated first team in the PSA, to play against a very good team. It helps the squad to get even better and find their weaknesses and strengths, so they can finish the season strong. It was great to follow the game with my mates and follow up with the team. In the end Scotch lost the game but learned a lot for their final last three games. The first Team has proven their quality this Saturday against Wesley with a 81:0 Victory.

While they were playing, the RYE Committee, Graeme Fardon and myself were welcoming the new Exchange students from all over the world united here in WA. It is such a great feeling to finally have Exchange students back here. After a short welcome and get to known, each of us formally introduced ourselves. Afterwards we went into groups with our Placement officers, where all the necessary Information got introduced to the newbies. I was able to give them Tipps and Tricks for the way throughout their year.
After this phase I gave a presentation about the trip to Sydney and the North-West Safari. It was great to introduce those amazing trips to them and give a couple of tips for their exchange. We got introduced and played a round of bowls, in my opinion the second most famous game here in Australia. We got to know each other really well and I can’t wait to see them again.
Following I got a lift to Optus from former District Governor Wayne Milnes and his Clubs new Exchange student, Simon from Belgium. I met up with my mates Noah and Dhilan to watch the Derby between the Fremantle Dockers and the West Coast Eagles. I’m so grateful that I got the chance to go to one of the two best fixtures of the year. I’m not going to write something about the game as I only can write something wrong. 😛 BUT there is one thing I can say about the game. I like to wear the colour purple but my heart is blue and yellow.
To distract you really fast so nobody is mad at me I’m going to write about the awful weather we had during the week in Germany and Perth. One of my realizations during the last days was that the weather in Australia's winter is quite similar to the German Summer and now understand why Aussies like their Summer so much.
On Sunday I got to be the Sports Photographer for the Applecross Hawks year 11/12 Footy Team, as my host brother Hunter is a player of my host dad Keiths team, I got asked to use my skills to take some pictures of the second win of the season for them. Especially of the great players and the First Aid and Runner, my host mum Margot. It was an outstanding Aussi cultural experience which I’ll never forget.
It is so good to be here.