"Stitches of Hope" is one of the charity’s supported by Applecross Rotary, and benefits needy people in two countries. It was featured at the recent Perth Makers’ Market.
Stitches of Hope was established by a Rotary Club, Swan. Find out more here https://www.stitchesofhope.org.au/
To save you looking, it operates in Cambodia and provides living wages for many village people. The project is overseen by RAWCS - Rotary Australia World Community Service.
One of the main ways it raises funds is through the production of sleeping bags, which Swan Rotary import to Fremantle, and then sell to clubs like Applecross Rotary, which use them to assist charities, like Anglicare Street Connect. The current cost of a sleeping bag is $50, and members donating a sleeping bag can claim this as a tax deduction.
So for $50, a member can support village families in Cambodia and provide warm comfort to homeless people in WA this coming winter.
You can access this great 2-for-1 deal by contacting Ian Fairnie.
Stitches of Hope Champion Kay Eva from Swan Rotary with two sleeping bags, not including Ian Fairnie