Co - President's Notes Tom Atkinson & Murray McKay
We are sad to announce the passing of Doug Telfer on 30 July 2024.
Doug was part of the backbone of the Rotary Club of Applecross for many years. A member of Rotary International for almost 50 years, Doug was first a member of Honiara then Applecross club. Doug was a past President and a Paul Harris Fellow and brought the principles of Rotary and the Four Way Test into his family life, work and Rotary service.
A man of high integrity, Doug trained as an accountant and auditor, reaching the highest level with his employer. He threw himself willingly into every aspect and role within our club and was respected and liked by everyone. A person you could always rely on to be there and to help out.
We will miss him terribly and send our deepest condolences to his widow, Beryl, and her family.
His funeral is to be held at the West Chapel, Fremantle Cemetery on Thursday, 15th August 2024, 10am.
We come to our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday. Members have received the appropriate notification and nominations for Board membership for the 2024/25 Rotary year.
We are still seeking nominations for the role of Community Director and would like to receive any nominations from the Club members. We hope that the role would be a supervisory role co-ordinating the various Community projects that the Club manages but also seek a manager of the Perth Makers’ Market parking.
(We’ll leave supporting AFL team St Kilda for later)
A few months ago President Tom visited his old school, All Saints College (ASC) in Bull Creek, to discuss reestablishing the link between Applecross Rotary with ASC, through Rotary Youth Exchange, both Inbound and Outbound.
During his discussion with ASC Principal Belinda Provos, Tom invited her to come and speak to us about her school, which she did at our recent breakfast meeting. Her theme was “What Matters at All Saints College”.
Some background first. Belinda is the fifth Principal of ASC (since 2013); its second Principal Tony London (1987-2000) was an enthusiastic member of AxR and his College was home to our Rotary Exchange students. A Day Care program began this year, so ASC now looks after 1350 young people from 12 months of age to 18 years.
Belinda describes the College’s Strategic Plan as ’set in jelly’ because ASC needs to pivot and be agile in an ever-changing world. She reminded us that Management Guru Peter Drucker once famously said “Culture Eats Strategy”.
So what does “matter”?
Human factors matter - people (students, staff parents, community), are very important
Building a network of positive relationships with peers, staff, the College and broader communities, matters
Alignment matters - serve with wisdom and courage (the ASC motto)
A Values Driven culture matters - Values are the moral compass to guide us through life
Living our Values matter - Empathy, Respect, Integrity, Courage (ERIC**)
A culture of Vulnerability matters
Belonging and Safety matter
A culture of learning through failure matters - Belinda called it ‘flearning’
A culture of Innovation matters
The Beyond Boundaries institute at ASC is dedicated to innovation and leadership, and advocates for change. ASC is the first school in Australia to partner with the University of Melbourne’s Melbourne Metrics Program. ASC advocates for an ATAR Plus approach to identifying high performing year 12 students, in terms of their capabilities to survive and thrive beyond secondary school. ATAR or Not to ATAR
The Studio School
How’s this for innovation? ASC has established a Fremantle campus with a two storey shopfront at 28 Adelaide Terrace Fremantle. It offers an alternative to mainstream school structures through a studio model for students to combine their studies with real-world projects of learning to achieve their WA Certificate of Education and if desired, an ATAR. It caters for 120 year 10-12 students who co-design their learning with their teachers - The Studio School
It quickly became apparent during Belinda’s presentation, that there are more opportunities to partner with ASC than just RYE.
But first let’s take up Belinda’s invitation to visit the two campuses, on two different days of course. Vocational Director Peter McEwen will set these up, and I’m sure Liz Palmer will find somewhere to have lunch afterwards - Sailing for Oranges might be nice (hint, hint)
ASC also has its own café Wanju at its main campus in Bull Creek, serving staff, students and the surrounding community.
ASC Principal Belinda Provos with our Margaret Brede and RYE Valentin
* Disclosure: While Tom is the only current Applecross Rotary member who is an “Old Saint”, several AxR members are parents of Old Saints - myself, Graeme Fardon, and John Kelly, who also has grandchildren at ASC.
** ERIC is also the name of the College’s Wellbeing dog!
Editor's note:We’re fortunate to have another engaging and insightful speaker for our Breakfast Meeting. If you can’t attend in person, you can still join us via ZOOM. Simply log on around 7:50 a.m. from your smartphone, tablet, PC, or desktop—wherever you have an internet connection.
It’s hard to believe, but JacFest is just around the corner—less than four months away!
Alongside this, our bustling Perth Makers Market season kicks off on Sunday, September 22nd.
Taking a winter break from our hectic service projects offers a fresh perspective on the importance of volunteering. As we gear up for JacFest’s 25th anniversary next year—a remarkable quarter-century of building this event into a community staple—we need to start planning how to celebrate this milestone.
In an earlier life with the Lucindale Lions in South Australia, I helped establish the Lucindale Agricultural Field Days, which, 45 years later, has become a prominent event on Australia’s Field Day calendar. Our approach to creating that success was a professional, project management style—something like how we’ve built JacFest.
I believe that reaching our 25th JacFest is fantastic but envisioning 50 years would be truly extraordinary!
For our 25th anniversary, let’s get creative and ambitious, thinking forward for the next quarter-century and beyond!
Melville Times Pride in Work Mal Taylor Kenn Williams & Lorri Brazier (1st June 2004)
Join us for Lorri’s farewell from active membership at Tompkins on Swan, 4:30 PM this Friday. Everyone is welcome!