Thank you for entrusting me (Murray) with the responsibility of being co-President with Tom for the forthcoming year. Thank you also to our Board members Ron, Brad, Margaret, Barry, Peter and Logan for agreeing to take on their respective roles for the year. I am sure that there is a good mix of new ideas to come whilst preserving the history that has held the Club in good stead for years.
Thank you also to the few retiring long-serving Board members who whilst not on the main committee continue to have significant roles within the Club.
The Board held its first meeting on Tuesday night and agreed to establish a set of guiding principles for the management of the Club finances which will be circulated to members for information and comment in due course. It was also agreed that the Club would make its minimum annual donations to The Rotary Foundation, Polio Plus and Australian Rotary Health with a review of the total amounts at the end of the year.
Meanwhile at tomorrow’s meeting we will see a change to the way the meetings are run with John Kelly being our first guest sergeant. I’m looking forward to welcoming various members of the Club to this role at different times during the year as it will give other members a new insight into the characters of other members. Please liaise with Chris Dawson if you are going to be away or unable to do this.
Over the years, Greg Hebble has spoken to Applecross Rotary on many occasions, wearing one of three different CEO hats - Foodbank WA, DV Assist, and now Wheelchairs for Kids Australia. Not bad for a kid from Girrawheen Senior High School, whose single Mum told him he couldn’t leave school in year 11 if he didn’t have a job!
Greg has always spent his speaking time with us, talking about his current not-for-profit venture, but one of our members said to me, next time we ask him along, get him to talk about himself because we really don’t know anything about him. So that’s what he did when he visited us recently.
So what was his first job, that enabled him to escape high school? Well it didn’t start well. There was a job available at the local Coles New World, picking up empty trolleys in the carpark and stocking up the freezers. He didn’t get it. He was shocked, and sought advice from his local CES office.
“There’s another job available with Coles in the CBD, but don’t go there dressed the way you are today for goodness sake - I wouldn’t employ you if you turned up for an interview dressed like you are today!”
According to Greg, there was not of money for “luxuries’ at home - you had one pair of shoes and only got a new pair when the current ones started to fall apart. Anyway he managed to borrow some clothes and clean his shoes, and got the job! It was a retail job and soon lead to jobs as food company reps, like Carnation (Nestle), Simplot (Birdseye), and eventually as State Manager for Masters Dairy (Lion Nathan) before a period as its NSW sales manager.
Greg has also had several volunteering commitments, including service on the YMCA Board in Perth and Sydney for 10 years and holding the position of National President.
As the Global Financial Crisis began to hit, Greg saw an advertisement for a Project Manager at Foodbank WA, so “when the going gets tough, the tough get going” back home to Perth. The project was moving Foodbank WA to a much larger new building at Perth International Airport, and then he applied for the vacant position of CEO, winning it against a field of 200 applicants. He probably "dressed important’ for that interview!
Greg was the CEO of Foodbank WA for 12 years, the largest hunger relief organisation in Australia. Greg transformed Foodbank WA from an organisation that was barely surviving financially, to one that was fully sustainable upon his departure. Greg raised Foodbank’s profile considerably by forging key government and corporate partnerships, as well as establishing several innovative programs, expanding the very successful School Breakfast Program, and setting up “Meatbank", with the support of WA lamb producers.
Greg’s current ‘hat’ is that of CEO of Wheelchairs for Kids Australia. He is first paid employee that WFKA has ever had; everyone else is a volunteer including the founder, the legendary Brother Ollie, who is now 85. WFKA depends on volunteers. The numbers of wheelchairs being made, currently 4300 last year, is expanding to a target of 6000 by 2030. The number of countries requesting and receiving wheelchairs is growing, and now includes PNG where another Applecross Rotary beneficiary, Living Child, is the recipient. However the average age of the volunteers is 74, and the average age of the management committee 80, so Greg believes that there will need to be at least a second paid employee appointed soon. And he is keen to encourage more Corporate Volunteering, a key feature of Foodbank’s success, and more regular donors like Applecross Rotary.
Greg has been a Director of WACOSS and Co-Chair of Anti-Poverty Week in WA. Every year he raises money for cancer research at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, through his 200km bike ride for Cancer200.
Most unsurprisingly, Greg is also a Sapphire Paul Harris Fellow.
We are thrilled to welcome Applecross Rotary as a proud sponsor of the MCCC Business Awards, supported by the City of Melville!
The MCCC Business Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements and contributions of businesses in our vibrant community. This year, Applecross Rotary will sponsor the Sustainability & Climate Action Award, highlighting their commitment to protecting the environment.
Applecross Rotary, part of Rotary International's global network of over 46,000 clubs and 1.4 million members, is dedicated to making a lasting impact in our community. Their initiatives include promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water and sanitation, supporting education, and protecting the environment.
Locally, Applecross Rotary has been a cornerstone of our community for over 50 years, with events like the Jacaranda Festival celebrating its 24th year!
Join us in celebrating the remarkable achievements of our local businesses. Together, we are fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and sustainability.
Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change - across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves. Let's be intentional in implementing Rotary's Action Plan within our own spheres of influence.
To help in doing so, RI Regional Office have compiled this Resource Guide for our reference.
These resources include ‘how-to’ guides, links to RI resources, along with guidelines on who to work with at Rotary when dealing with various issues. They have attempted to organise these resources in a way that you will find quick and intuitive. Please save this PDF on your computer so that you always have ready access to it.
Being a long-term believer in the intrinsic value of GOLD, it set me wondering just what is behind the current rapid upward move to around US$2400/Aus $3600 per ounce for this non-interest bearing investment.
An article I read over the weekend supports the view that the clock is ticking on a fragile world peace, with Central Banks in many countries, including Russia, India, Singapore, Poland, Brazilian, Turkey and UAE and especially China, collectively buying up thousands of tons as stockpiles against future uncertainties. (or do they know something we don’t?) China was even quoted as paying up to $120/oz premium to secure its supplies!
Certainly a number of influences contribute to the rising price of GOLD: lowering of interest rates, uncertainty in the Stock Markets, demand for jewellery, world economic and conflict uncertainties and instabilities, with this last one cited as the key driver.
Talking China and its want to ‘Re inherit’ Taiwan, Pres Xi told President Biden in 2023, that in relation to Taiwan, ‘look, peace is all well and good but at some point, we need to move towards resolution’!
The article goes on to say that China may well have built its reserves to over 30,000 tons of Gold, with this following the historic processes undertaken by other countries in advance of the start of major world conflicts.
It further says that with 2025 tipped as the likely trigger for a fully prepared China to ‘exercise its inheritance over Taiwan’, and the implication that this has held for the rising price of GOLD, don’t be too surprised to see it perhaps rise even higher in the times ahead.
I thought that this was an interesting article, and it certainly helped answer my question re the rise in the price of GOLD!!