Fancy Plants Founder John Foss is on our menu for 2025
We are already booking speakers for 2025, and in the spirit of Caroline Robinson’s recent presentation, one is Muresk graduate and Wheatbelt grain grower John Foss, whose Nuffield Scholarship ( changed his life.
John will tell us more but (spoiler alert!) it led to him founding the Chia Company ( and more recently healthy snack food maker Fancy Plants ( John made sure he managed the whole supply chain from growing the plants, to retailing products like Chia Pudding and Chocolate Silky Pot, at major supermarkets throughout Australia.
And coming up in the nearer future, Racecourse Vet Peter Symons will return for our annual Melbourne Cup breakfast on 5 November to explain why jockeys are “a necessary evil”, and immediately following Remembrance Day, former naval commander John Scott will tell us about Legacy in the 21st century, over breakfast on 12 November.