Our CLUB is sponsoring Nik Bluett and Tiffani Tong to the upcoming RYLA leadership progam being held from Saturday 6th January to Saturday 13th January 2024. RYLA is an intensive leadership experience organised by Rotary clubs and districts where you develop your skills as a leader while having fun and making new connections. RYLA ia an internationally recognised program and each year more than 9,000 young adults are sponsored by Rotary Clubs in over 25 countries.
You are invited to meet the 2024 participants (and support Nik and Tiffani) and help celebrate another wonderful year of RYLA in Western Australia at the RYLA DINNER  -
WHEN: 5.30pm, Wednesday 10 January 2024
WHERE: Serpentine Camping Centre
THEME: tropical 🍍🌴
TICKETS: $35 - bookings essential through Trybooking: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1150215