Applecross Rotary's 51st Changeover was held on Wednesday 6th July at the Manning Rippers Football Club in the Manning Community Centre.
Forty Five members and guests attended with a delicious 3 course meal provided by Duncan & Kristie owners of Krankin Cafe, excellent drink service from footy club members Jo-anne, Wayne and Rod, and guitarist/ singer Wayne Glasson providing the entertainment throughout the night. The colour theme purple and white Lorri tells me, was selected by Logan's partner Nikki!

This year's President Elect and Secretary Tom Atkinson did a great job as MC and started the proceedings calling everyone to their seats and doing the Acknowlegement to Country. He then introduced outgoing President Peter McEwen.

Peter acknowledged our special guests; DG Ric McDonald and Ailsa McDonald, PDG Pat Shraven, AG Kenn Williams and Erin Hegley Founder and Director of Mama Respnd International. Peter gave an overview of his annual report and then invited DG Ric to propose a toast to Rotary Internationsl.

Following the meal MC Tom called up PDG Pat who took this opportunity to personally present the District 9465 Rotarian of the Year Award to Applecross Rotary member, Chris Whelan. Please find the details of this presentation in a following story in this AA. Pat also presented appreciation awards to AG Kenn Williams and Chris Whelan.

PDG Pat presented Chris Whelan with the District Rotarian of the Year Award and in his acceptance speech he acknowledged the great part his involvement in the Mama Respond Kenyan project played in the reason he was receiving the award. He invited Mama Respond founder and director Erin Hegley to share the award with him for her fantastic work in Kenya and the opportunity for him amd many Rotarians and Rotary Clubs not only in WA and Kenya, but also in the USA to work together to make this project happen.
Peter then acknowledged Chris's outstanding work for the club throughout the year with a PHF +2 recognition level and a PHF recognition to Erin Hegarty for making a difference to the lives of children in Kenya through her charity MAMA RESPOND International and in particular the project to build a Special Needs Centre at Noonkopir Township Primary School.

Peter then made the following awards:
Applecross Rotarian of the Year - Ray Philp

Community Service Award - Brett Hammill

A new Award "Applecross Rotary Jacaranda Festival Mal Taylor Award" to Mal Taylor

Finally the time came for Peter to handball the Presidency to Logan ...