A University of Western Australia graduate, Dr Duncan-Smith is a consultant plastic surgeon and burns surgeon, who played a crucial role in the Bali Bombing Disaster of 2002 as one of the two treating Consultant Burn Surgeons. He has experienced first-hand what can be achieved with a medical workforce working in unison with medical administration towards a common goal, with the excellent health outcomes for survivors of both the Bali Bombing and Ashmore Reef disasters.
He is a humanitarian doctor, undertaking 15 overseas volunteer surgical aide trips in his career, including Mongolia, Indonesia and Vanuatu. Mark made comment of the importance of these trips is to train and educate the locals in the treatment of burns that can improve the health outcomes of thousands of patients. The value of humanitarian work is of great value for his professional development as well as the use of his skills to treat patient conditions that he has not experience in Australia.
The AMAWA is the peak representative body for doctors in WA with over 5000 members (50% of doctors). Their vision is to be "the leading and trusted voice for better healthcare" and their mission is to "represent, support and advocate for doctors, patients and the community". Mark took us through the current state of the WA health system including ambulance ramping hours and access to hospital beds.
Mark spoke on COVID 19 and the importance of people to get vaccinated. He also presented the AMAWA's 'action agenda 2021' calling on the State Government to implement their 15 point plan.