People everywhere want to help others. It’s local and it’s global.
Applecross Rotary (Australia), RC Embakasi (Kenya), and RC Washington, Pa. (USA)
With inspiration from mama Respond International we all decided to support a Special Needs Unit for kids at Noonkopir Primary School, Kitengela, Kenya.

All children deserve access to good education. At Noonkopir Primary School, Kitengala, Kenya (a city of 150,000 people) there is only one school that caters for disabled kids, and the present facilities are inadequate.
Applecross Rotary and Mama Respond International have joined to build a modern ambulant toilet facility alongside a new Special Needs Unit. These new facilities were co funded by Rotary, Mama Respond and the Australian Government.
Funding is now in place. The next steps are to fit out the SNU, create engagement for mothers with disabled kids to take them to school, and to look after many of those kids who, after an easily available diagnosis, can obtain the support they need to start a more fulfilling life.
Rotarians across Kenya, Western Australia and USA work together to develop the project scope, to prepare the several grant applications and to solicit financial support from third parties to make this happen.