Applecross Rotary under the leadership of Lorri Brazier, have been supporting Starick since a presentation to the club in 2015 drawing our attention to the increasing crisis in the community caused by domestic violence.
Unfortunately the demand on services provided by Starick are increasing.
Starick is registered NFP organisation, providing multi layered support to women and children escaping family and domestic violence for over 35 years. They work predominately in Perth's south-east metropolitan area. Starick has 2 refuges as well as other programs to support women such as counselling, DVA's at Cannington and Armadale Police Stations, Safe at Home, and many more programs to support women and children.
Helen explained that Domestic Violence is often called "domestic and family violence" (FDV) because it is just not the intimate partners that abuse. FDV means any type of abuse that creates fear and controls another person. Often causes physical, sexual and/ or psychological damage, forced isolation and economic deprivation.
Starick's Mobile Outreach Service is part of the COVID recovery plan. The plan aims to provide a smoother transition and ongoing support to a woman with or without children, who is experiencing domestic or family violence and who has or is about to exit the refuge environment.
Starick's Mobile Outreach Service can offer to a woman -
- Risk and safety assessments
- Case management
- Information
- Liaison with housing providers
- Safety planning for women and children
- Linking women and children with appropriate services
- Advocacy and support
- Assistance to maintain or establish social networks
- Court support
Thanks to Helen for the very informative update on Starick services. Applecross Rotary is proud supporter of Starick and it was good for our newer members to hear about the excellent and vital support Starick provides for women and children affected by Family and Domestic Violence.