Posted by Ian FAIRNIE on Nov 25, 2024
At last week's meeting, Membership Director Margaret Brede and co-President Murray McKay officially welcomed Michelle Muir into the Applecross Rotary family. During the same meeting, Chris Whelan guided us through the final planning briefing for JacFest 2024. It was wonderful to have Michelle join us during this particularly busy and exciting time of the year!
Members responded well to the request to attend this important meeting to go through the final planning and actions for JacFest2024.  The roving photographer captured the following pictures of some of the attendees -
Greg Hebble (left, with Jamie Kelly) brought us the news that WFKA founder Brother Ollie is WA’s latest nomination for Australian Senior of the Year. 
George Mavros (left) led the Rotary JacFest team 20 years ago, see here with our Attendance Officer
Tony Haeusler 
Punny man Roger Painter will be with us until February and will tell us what his Club in Canada has been up to, early in 2025