Posted by Shauna KINNEY on Aug 28, 2018
Iggy Tan explains how stopping the craving for happiness brings us peace and happiness. Sounds a little counter-intuitive? Read some of what he said (but we might not give away the final secret).
Iggy is an author and a Rotarian from the Matilda Bay Club. He inspired us with his personal story of discovery of a system of stopping craving happiness to find daily peace.
His simple ideas were counter-intuitive. We tried some of the techniques with him at the meeting, and though many of us felt self conscious, we enjoyed the relief of working through his methods.
Iggy is donating part of the proceeds from his book sales to Rotary. If you'd like to read his book, find it on Amazon 
If you were unable to make the meeting, here is a short video with Iggy explaining the Mind Sweeping technique

Rotary Exchange Student Returns for Reunion

Brook Todd returned to Perth 20 years after her Rotary Exchange program. She caught up with one of her host family members at our meeting, John Henderson.
Brook is now a nurse living in Seattle, Washington, USA. She has fond memories of her year in Perth. She was delighted to catch up with one of her hosts. Later in the week, she will reunite with her classmates.

No Breakfast Next Week??

We love our breakfast meetings! To see more photos from breakfast, go to 
So why aren't we having a breakfast next week? We've got the District Governor Robyn Yates coming for dinner!! 
Sep 04, 2018
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
St Michael's Community Hall
25 Gunbower Rd
Applecross, WA  6153    
Look for plenty of great photos on the night.