It all started on Saturday mid-morning at Kenn's storage unit loading the event materials onto the club trailer and utility, then heading to the Heathcote reserve to set up for the parking control for Sunday's Perth Makers Market. As an added challenge the oval, due to lack of water and maintenance, is getting very 'boggy' which resulted in a number of vehicles (including the club ute) having to be towed out when they got bogged.

Guide Dogs WA joined George Mavros at the Rotary marquee. Their Corporate and Community Engagement Officer, Bec Woodward with some of her volunteers and staff, did a great job in promoting that Guide Dogs WA are currently seeking loving homes for their young adult dogs in training, for a period of 6 to 12 months. They also sold merchandise for their fund-raising activity and had some of their dogs in-training, much to the delight of people attending the markets.

The numbers attending the markets did appear to be down due to the heat, however one of the dogs was still able to do her promotion work amongst the market crowd with her paws protected from the hot paths with dog boots!