Lorri, with support from members and their partners, supported a Christmas function and supplied toys, teddy bears, some personal items and framed photos of the children for the mothers as Christmas presents. Every child is now given a teddy bear to keep, on arrival. Over 250 bears have been donated. A laundry basket of essential products is now given to each resident, when they leave Starick Refuge and to start the journey of a new life in a unit or house. The annual cost is estimated at $5,000, of which $2,500 is covered by a Dick Smith sponsored matching grant. A large donation of linen was donated by the Mill Point Rotary Club for Starick and the Esther Foundation. Many private donations of furniture, crockery, kitchen goods, clothing and toys were also provided.
Another maintenance program of the gardens was undertaken by Applecross Rotary and the Aquinas School pupils in June 2018.
2015-16 and 2016-17
A Starick Industries presentation at an Applecross Rotary Club meeting drew attention to the increasing crisis in the community caused by domestic violence. Club members and friends led by Applecross Rotarian Lorri Brazier, have responded by collecting the necessities such as personal items, household goods and food required when a family moves from the shelter to a rental home arranged by Starick – Funding from the Dick Smith Foundation provides each family with cleaning and washing products. A lady from the RAAFA village donated over 150 teddy bears so the children could have something to hug.
Starick found that it is unable to spend scarce funds on the maintenance of the gardens and children’s playground at the refuge. Applecross Rotarian Malcolm Taylor took on the task of managing the project to restore these facilities. Fortunately, a contact, Quinton Hessels, who renovated gardens for a living, was persuaded to assist and with his contacts and their donations provided, at minimal cost, the materials for a Garden Blitz. A club member John Richards brought along a group of Aquinas Service Learning students on successive Saturday mornings, to work alongside Applecross Rotary Club members, Rotarians from Rotary Elizabeth Quay, and members of the Community Minded Facebook group. Quentin gave up his Saturday mornings to make sure it went according to his plan. Over 200 hours of labour, $5000 of Club funds, a garden shed from a Club member and donated fertiliser, potting mix and mulch from Baileys, ensured the gardens looked a picture when they were finished, Club members Liz Palmer and Lorri Brazier treated all the workers to a BBQ lunch. John Richards and his team from Aquinas took on the task of regular maintenance.