The Applecross Rotary supports the Starick Refuge in Western Australia. This is a story of a 7-year old artist who benefitted from support from Starick and our Club.

Her Story
Bella was born in Thailand. Then, she stayed in different refugee camps in different countries since she was born.
She loves art! Bella said her English is not very good, but she can use art to tell her stories.
The family came to a woman's refuge as a 24-7 emergency client due to domestic violence. Bella was really afraid when they first arrived at the refuge centre due to her past traumas.
When Bella attended the children's playroom, she told the child advocate that she likes art. In the art room, Bella started painting and a big smile came across her face. Her first painting was a rainbow. She said the rainbow means happiness. Bella was given arts and crafts materials to take home. She created art for her mum and brother to tell them how much she loves them.
She also does well at school, receiving many certificates and awards. Her mum is so proud of Bella's strong mind and mum believes art is healing Bella in a silent way.
Bella's family was offered government housing in July 2018. Before the family moved out, Bella told the child advocate that she will be an artist when she grows up.
The Applecross Rotary Club kindly donated a basket with cleaning products to Bella's family to support a fresh start in a safe, new family home. Bella's family is grateful for the special presents. She wants to create art to say thank you to the Applecross Rotary Club members for their caring and kindness.
Applecross Rotary's Service to Starick
Starick is a not for profit organisation which provides multi-layered support services in Perth’s south-east metropolitan area to women and children experiencing family and domestic violence. Starick’s services include two refuges for women with children, supported community housing, court support, advocacy, children’s programs, community outreach services and an Op Shop.
Applecross Rotary donates supplies and services to help the women and children at the refuge. If you'd like to contribute, contact our club and learn more about our previous service projects.